Dr. Haskins

“​It is hard to find the right words to express my thanks to First Choice Accident & Injury Care. I received a call one ​Friday ​night that every parent fears. My son and his girlfriend were in a car accident. It was ​difficult​ ​for me ​not to go into panic mode but knowing they were alive​ helped me pull it together. ​After treatment at the ​ER, ​my son ​and​ h​is ​friend were still in​ ​pain​. I searched online and found First Choice Accident & Injury Care. I spoke directly to Dr. Jeffery. I described ​their pain in ​the​ lower back and neck areas. Dr. Jeffery​ ​immediately got them in to see a doctor near our home. As a doctor myself, in a different ​field, I was very impressed with the professionalism, follow-up, and compassionate attitude every time we spoke with First Choice Accident & Injury Care. I was also ​relieved that First Choice ​provide​d​ us​ with​ a​n A-rated ​Personal Injury ​Attorney to represent both cases (my son and friend). Thank you for the remarkable services your team provided to our family!”